we received 2 new Flag Retirement drop boxes on Sept.14, 2024
they are both located at the CVC- one is located on Front porch and other in inside in the foyer.
the boxes were built as an eagle scout project and donated by maxwell Goodwin from troop 2193
Please drop off worn or damaged american flags - the next retirement ceremony is on June 14, 2025 at noon
Branch birthdays are great time to come Together
21st Annual Coweta Veterans Club Golf Tournament
On September 9, 2024, the Coweta Veterans Club proudly hosted our 21st Annual Golf Tournament, featuring a full lineup of 30 teams. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors, volunteers, players, and the Newnan Country Club; teamwork is essential for this event's success. The tournament aims to raise funds to keep our facility operational throughout the year, which is crucial for our veteran community. We had 49 members from Pless-Jackson Medal of Honor VFW Post 2667 - Newnan, GA, and its Auxiliary, along with numerous participants from the Alvin Hughes Harris American Legion Post 57 - Newnan, Georgia, as well as Auxiliary, SAL, and Riders. Together, we can truly make a difference. The overwhelming support from our community in terms of sponsorships, food, door prizes, and gift bag items has been incredible. Thank you to everyone involved!
On September 9, 2024, the Coweta Veterans Club proudly hosted our 21st Annual Golf Tournament, featuring a full lineup of 30 teams. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors, volunteers, players, and the Newnan Country Club; teamwork is essential for this event's success. The tournament aims to raise funds to keep our facility operational throughout the year, which is crucial for our veteran community. We had 49 members from Pless-Jackson Medal of Honor VFW Post 2667 - Newnan, GA, and its Auxiliary, along with numerous participants from the Alvin Hughes Harris American Legion Post 57 - Newnan, Georgia, as well as Auxiliary, SAL, and Riders. Together, we can truly make a difference. The overwhelming support from our community in terms of sponsorships, food, door prizes, and gift bag items has been incredible. Thank you to everyone involved!